Party Help


1) Learn how to change your chat name to have your member ID number at the end. To change your chat name type in the following:

/nick name#1234E (E means you are in the english register)

/nick name#1234R (R means you are in the racing register)

Replace name with your own name. Remember, you can't have spaces in your name. Replace 1234 with your member ID number. The things in black should not change.

2) If your name doesn't have the right number after it (exception for the name game) then you can't win any prizes, even if you come up with the right answer.

3) The person running the party will type in all capital letters. They pick the winners for some games also.

3) Learn how to play all the different games:

4 Sure -- everyone will be asked to guess a number between 1 and 10. Then the person running the game will then roll a dice. If the number you guessed it 3 higher then the dice number, or 3 lower then the dice number you're out. If you guess the RIGHT number then 1 free miss. The last person still playing wins!

First Roll: you guess 4. The number is 6. That means you have to have a 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 as a number guess to keep playing. Since you guessed 4 you're still in the game.

Second Roll: you guess 9. The number is 3. That means you need a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in order to keep playing. You're out of the game!

First Roll: you guess 6. The number is 6. That means you have to have a 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 as a number guess to keep playing. Since you guessed 6 you're still in the game AND you get 1 free miss since you guessed the correct number.

Second Roll: you guess 9. The number is 3. That means you need a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in order to keep playing. Since you have 1 free miss you can keep playing. If you get it wrong again then you're out of the game.

NEW! Temperature -- everyone will be asked to guess a number between 1 and 500. The person running the game will pick the closest number and say either Hot, Warm or Cold. The winner is the first person to pick the correct number.

Hot: the closest number is 25 above or below the correct number.

Warm: the closest number is 50 above or below the correct number.

Cold: the closest number is 100 above or below the correct number..

Guessing Game -- this is like 20 questions. I give you a theme and clues to help you figure out what the person, place or thing is. The first person to get the correct answer wins.

Smiley Telephone -- one person will start. What happens is the person will PM (send a private message) to another member with a pattern of pumpkin smileys in it. The person who gets the PM finds someone else on the list and sends them a PM with the same smileys in the same order. When they've sent the smileys to a new person they type "Pass the Pumpkin" in the chat room. People keep passing the smileys until the time is up. The person who last got the order of pumpkins puts them out on the screen in the chat room. If they match the originial smiley pattern then the last person wins. If it doesn't match, then the person who started the pattern wins.


Person starts pattern and sends it to someone in a PM -- :) :( :)

Passed to next person, they write "Pass the Pumpkin", and send the pattern to another member in a PM -- :) :( :)

Passed again and again.

Last person writes -- :) :) :(

Person who started the pattern would win, beacuse the pattern was changed somewhere when it was passed.

Name Game -- everyone leaves chat and comes in as a different name (without your number, and please change your text color also). Then everyone guesses who is who. Last person left wins.

Tag -- If you're it you call out someones name in the chat room to tag them. If they don't respond after a few second you can pick someone else. The last person to tag someone before time is called is the winner.

Trivia Game -- be the first to give the right answer and you win the prize.

Word Scrambler -- unscramble the letters to figure out the word. For example


Right: Santa Clause

Wrong: Luck Cant Last (there is no letter K, only one letter T and C, and letter E wasn't used)

Smiley Line -- you'll be given a number. Thats how many smileys are in the combination. Its your job to figure out what the right combination is. The first person to come up with the right combination wins.

Example: 3 smileys

Right - :) :) :)
happy, happy, happy

Wrong - :) :P :(
happy, tongue, sad

Wrong - *\:) :)
wink, happy, happy


If ____ Were A Horse -- comes up what the person would say if they were a horse. For instance, if Santa where a horse he's say: hay, hay, hay, merry christmas

4) Have fun!!