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What's a point of view?

Point of View is how you will be playing the game. In the real world there are three main parts of racing. Its the same on this game. Sometimes not all of the point of views are available to keep the game running smoothly. If thats so and you want a particular view then just try again later. To help you pick which one you want to be each of the different points of view are explained below.

Stable Owner - is the type of person who likes to deal with money, buying, selling, and breeding horses, as well as picking the kinds of races to put the horses in, as well as hiring and firing jockeys and trainers. If you are this kind of person, where you like to sit back and let everyone figure out all the little details for you, then this is the point of view for you. As a stable owner you work a lot on deciding what happens in your stable.

Trainer - is the kind of person that is very patient and doesn't get frustrated easily. As a trainer you'll be spending day after day looking at how the horses of the stables you work for do on different kinds of tracks. It'll be your job to test the horse and find out how long he likes to run, in what weather, at what distance, and on what track conditions. Then you'll have to care for each and every horse you train for. Care includes grooming, feeding, watering, mucking, and possibly vet/farrier visits. If you aren't a very patient person who is willing to try many different ways of doing things then this point of view isn't for you. As a trainer you work a lot with the stable owner and the jockey(s).

Jockey - is the kind of person that loves to think about things. As a jockey you'll have to exercise both horses and your body to stay in top shape. You'll have to learn all the likes and dislikes of the horses you ride or they won't preform well for you. Knowing when to use your crop, when to use your blinkers, and when to start your sprint down the backstretch will determine your time in each race. As a jockey you also have a chance to break track records...are you up to it?