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White Oaks Stables | Realistic Horse Game

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Bri at This BR Ranch

September 27, 2008 12:19:40 PM

Ok, so here are my breeding rules and faq. You must meet these requirements to breed. If you dont like it, too bad. I reserve the right to deny any breedings. You must GM me before you request or I will deny. Title the GM "pizza pie" so that I know that you have read my rules.Ok, so here are the rules:
1) Your horse must be in good health and you must have
the means to care for the foal (money wise).
2) Your horse must be within the same grade and within
20 ranks of my horses. Exceptions may be made.
4) Horses must be at least 20. My horses will not breed
until they are 22, but there may be some exceptions on
a rare occasion.
5) My mares will have a MAXIMUM of 3 foals and my
stallions will have 4 MAXIMUM.
6) Where the foal goes will be discussed. If i pay for the
breeding, I want the foal. I go with that rule if you pay
for the breeding also.
7) My prices are negotiable to polite people. Prices are as
C circut horses: $500 times rank
B circut horses: $1,000 times rank
A circut horses: $1,500 times rank
GP circut horses: $2,000 times rank
Oly circut horses: $3000 times rank
There may be discounts if you are on my trusted breeders list. To be considered for this list, GM me and I will take a look at your account. Here are the requirements for my trusted breeders list:
1) You must be trustworthy ( I will ask around)
2) You must have the same breeds that i do so that you
are able to breed to my horses. Right now that is only
Quarter Horses and Thoroughbreds.
3) Your horses must be well cared for and of good rank
and grade.
If you have any questions feel free to GM me. I love to hear from and work with people. If you have a horse(s) that you think would fit well in my breeding program GM me. I am always looking for prospective matches for my horses! There is or will be a chart on my page soon showing breedings to my horses and things like that. Thanks for reading!

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