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TA's Storytime (or whatever is relatively close to it)

My Name Is
July 26, 2005 04:04:06 PM

My name is Darth Rouge (pronounce roozh for you French un-speaking people). I know, I know. The name's lousy, but Darth Vader had already been used! You take what you get. If you just crawled out from under a rock formation on Tatooine, or your brain short-circuited when you stuck your finger in an electrical outlet (I was wondering HOW you got that afro...), and you haven't guessed, I am a SITH. (If you already guessed, congratulations. Give yourself a cookie.) No no no. Not "Sith." SITH. Super Intelligent Target Headhunter. We're better known as your basic average bad dudes. Now those Sith are pretty mean, but we put the "bad" in bad....whoops! Let's just say we're evil. :D But enough about the SITH. Let's move on to me!

I have minions (and a polka dot lightsaber, but nobody want to hear about that one). Thousands of clone soldiers who serve me without thinking twice!! (Or that I think about it....) These minions are special. They're all an exact genetic replication of--you guessed it--ME!! And guess what else. They have the absolute coolest, top-of-the-line battle footwear. Guess what it is. Uh huh. Hot pink stiletto heels that cost me $500 a pair! Oh yeah. Ha. Genius. *evil cackle*

Oh, as if you didn't knooow, just the mention of my name strikes fear into the hearts of millions....of....fruit flies. Okay, okay! I admit it. I haven't EXACTLY learned how to totally psych out the other SITH and Sith...or anybody else for that matter. I only scare myself. *cries* Oh well.

You can sometimes find me floating around, spying on TA here. *points* I rock at that. It's my one true talent. Oh, did you know she looks absolutely drop-dead hot in a pair of my $500 hot pink stilettos? Yeah...we figured that out after Darth Somebody-Or-Other stroked out and died after seeing her in them. *shrug* If she weren't afraid of miniskirts, she would be the perfect addition to my minions!! *evil laughter* She can make grown men cry. Some of the other Darths can't handle her in all her hot pink stiletto glory. Their heart medication isn't strong enough.

Weeeeelll.....I'd better get out of here before TA catches me writing in her journal. *shifty eyes* Oh, and I warn you. Do not anger me. My minions shall exact their revenge!! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!! *maniacal laughter*

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