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How to Get Those Breedings You Want
September 28, 2005 02:10:33 PM

This is a great post of Windy's on how to get breedings:

More and more people are begging, whining, and harassing people into letting them breed. Here are MY pointers when trying to get a breeding to that perfect stud or mare.

1) Remember that it isn't YOUR horse. The owner has every right to say NO you can not breed. Breeding to a horse owned by someone else is a PRIVILEDGE not a right.

2) Don't beg, whine, or harass the person. This just insures that they will probably put you on their 'never in a million years' list...which means they will probably say no EVERY time you ask to breed to one of their horses.

3) READ THE PAGE of the owner of the horses. Or their journal. Usually they will state whether that horse is available for breeding and list any requirements for breeding to said horse.

4) ASK before requesting a breeding to a mare. This isn't required, but it IS polite. All it takes is a quick message saying "I'd like to breed my stud named X to your mare named Y is this acceptable, and is this a good time to do so?"

5) Make sure your horses are in good health in your stable. Most responsible breeders aren't going to let someone with horses in poor shape or that have dying horses breed.

6) Be Polite. If you have ever sent them a rude message insulting them or their horses or being just obnoxious chances are they won't want to bother doing business with you.

7) Do NOT demand (send a message like: "You HAVE to lower your fees so I can breed"or threaten the owner of the horses. If you do they will a) block you from sending them further message b) blacklist you...which means you can want to breed to their horses all you want now and in the future and will never get to no matter how much you offer for breedings.

8) We have the right to charge what WE want for fees not what YOU think you should pay. If a fee is high it's for a reason.

9) be somewhat professional when sending a message to a player that owns a horse you want to breed to. Try to use decent (it doesn't have to be perfect) spelling and grammar and avoid chatspeak at all costs. Most of the older players will ignore messages stuffed with chatspeak or childish spellings like "dat" or "wif" (quite frankly people that use words like that sound like 2 year olds to my mind)

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