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TA's Storytime (or whatever is relatively close to it)

My Tribute
March 1, 2006 07:41:33 PM

**This poem is dedicated to the men and women of the United States Armed Forces, who each day put their lives on the line to protect the precious freedom we all take for granted.

To leave your home and family
For a country that is bending
Is a genuine form of bravery
That I know needs commending.

Thank you for your sacrifice,
Your perseverance and your courage;
Thank you for continuing on,
Even when you feel discouraged.

With all that's happening in the world
I know it's really tough,
But I know that you can make it
Even when the going's rough.

Thank you for your decision
To protect our great land,
And I know that you are safe
In the palm of God's great hand.

I thank you, U.S. soldiers,
For all you've done for me.
I'm grateful that with all you do,
You're keeping America free.

copyright 2005 Stephanie T. (aka TotalAngel)

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