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White Oaks Stables | Realistic Horse Game

Logged in as Stable Champions [Gem.], #5915
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Wow... Sept 11
September 11, 2004 11:38:41 PM

Whoa. it's been 3 years since 9-11. I'm in 8th grade now and I was in 5th grade last time. Amazing. Anyways, I'm now selling atleast 80% of my horses on this account and 7905 is my sales account. I'm working on organizing my page so this is my actual JOURNAL for RL. I had a terrible day today. We went to this car show and my foot was hurting from a blister yesterday, and then i had to eat icecream and lots of soda and snickers popables (ok, that wasn't bad but it had a purpose) because my throat hurt, and we went to this other stupid thing and it was all just stupid. And then i tried to talk to matt and i just blew up on him because he wasn't talking and my throat hurts. And I found out about **NAME** who sold me a horse that was "RCH" and she was gunna enter my show for me but she never entered the show and the horse is very inbred. Anyways, I was ignored by many people. I think I'm just the sort of person to help other people. I'm always comforting people... and no one comforts me. WOS used to be a place where I could go, have fun, relax, chat with people and I didn't care about money. Then that stupid "no collecting allowence" thing forced me to get real. I went onto chat for the first time, I had to actually work for money, I sold all of my horses, I started showing, and now the game's not fun anymore. It was real nice being so excited about those wierdo non-good horses and now I'm not even satisfied with rank 60's. Only rank 90+ for me. I turned down a rank 85 because they were 50k. Great deal, especially since the horse was only 9. I thought they weren't good enough, they wouldn't produce great foals. Mapsy spoiled me! She gave me a rank 149 mare and now that's all I want. I think I'm just wrong. Someone help me before I commit suicide... and oh, yeah, Wilmetta didn't commit suicide or anything... her sister was just playing a mean joke. This is so stupid. Life on WOS is full of pigskin, big, fat, ugly lies and I don't want to be a part of it anymore. So here it is... all horses are for sale (mostly) i'm starting over.

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