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White Oaks Stables | Realistic Horse Game

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A Thought or Two.

October 8, 2012 12:31:57 PM

First things first, make sure the horses you are showing have the highest rank food available (the $900 one). A horse lives for 175 days. If you buy them 150 days worth of $100 food, then go buy food one last time and click the $900 one it converts ALL that horse's food to the good food. It's a great way to save money.

The second thing is to board your horses at blue ribbon stables. This means clicking that "change stables" button at the bottom of your horse's page and searching for "Blue Ribbon" stables - but BE CAREFUL - not all the stables that show up in this list are actually blue ribbon, some are "rank 10 large stables" - make sure you only board at the blue ribbon ones.

Finally, check to make sure that you have a full set of the best ranked clothes. These are
rank11 gloves,
and rank 10 everything else.

Then make sure you have a full set of tack for each horse. You need the following tack for every horse you plan to show:
rank 11 saddle,
r12 bridle,
r10 girth, bit, halter, and pad,
and r5 crop.

This can all get a bit expensive, so if you need some money send me a GM – I can’t promise I can help you, but if I’ve got some spare cash, I’ll try.

The next step to do before you start showing is finding "best event" and "rider settings" for each of your horses. This is time consuming, but you only need to do it once for each horse.

First, pick a horse and go to the page where you enter shows.
Enter that horse in a pleasure show.
click "view horse's odds" and if it says "excellent", write down that Pleasure is the horse's best event. If not remove the horse from the show (on the horse's page it should show the show name (in this case "Pleasure") and "scratch" just above where you groom. Click "scratch" to remove the horse from the show), repeat these steps with dressage, halter, etc, moving down the list until you find the horse's "excellent" event.
Write down this event, either in a notebook or in the horse's name.
To find the proper settings for your horse, go to my account and find the "rider settings" page in my journal (or follow this URL: ) and find your horse's personality in one of the groups - then within that group find the event that you found for your horse. Use the 8 numbers provided. Write them down beside the horse's best event, again either in your notebook or in the horse's name. These each correspond to an option in the drop down menus where you enter your horse in shows. Ie// if the numbers are 11342112 Than you choose "gentle bit" for the mouth, "slow pace" for the speed, "tight" for the reins, etc... You can also find these settings by taking rider lessons. I usually advise taking a lesson of all 1's (the first setting), then all 2's, then all 3's etc. (If you're doing this make sure you are writing down which numbers are correct for which setting.) If you choose to use rider lessons you should note that the settings are in a different order than they are when you're entering shows. So while you're writing down which settings are best, you should write Bit=1, Reins=3, etc... then go to the entry page for a show to figure out which order these ought to be in. The downside of riding lessons is that they take a lot of time - the upside is that you are going to get a more reliable set of settings.(If you like I offer lessons as well, just go to my page)

Now, to daily routines. To start the day, put on your clothes (in your clothes closet). Then do the following in this exact order for each horse:
vet/farrier until both say “great”
go to the main menu and give the horse a molassas cookie until you get green writing (but if you don't after 3 tries, give up and move to the next step)
go to the enter shows page and enter your showing horse using best event and proper rider settings, and you should be rolling in the dough in no time. :D

I know it's hard to explain these things sometimes, so if I've left anything unclear, PLEASE feel free to GM me and I'd love to try and make it easier for you. Best of luck! ~Rare

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